I/1<arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncationinvalid database keyfile @1 is not a valid database.invalid database handle (no active connection)+bad parameters on attach or create database%unrecognized database parameter blockinvalid request handleinvalid BLOB handle invalid BLOB ID 0invalid parameter in transaction parameter block .invalid format for transaction parameter block Ainvalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start) (internal Firebird consistency check (@1)!conversion error from string "@1""database file appears corrupt (@1)deadlock*attempt to start more than @1 transactions#no match for first value expression3information type inappropriate for object specified:no information of this type available for object specifiedunknown information item;action cancelled by trigger (@1) to preserve data integrityr invalid request BLR at offset @1-I/O error during "@1" operation for file "@2"ata$lock conflict on no wait transactioncorrupt system table*validation error for column @1, value "@2"me%no current record for fetch operationVattempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "@1"et4program attempted to exit without finishing databaseunsuccessful metadata update $no permission for @1 access to @2 @3!transaction is not in limboc"invalid database key#BLOB was not closed$metadata is obsolete%=cannot disconnect database with open transactions (@1 active) tr&2message length error (encountered @1, expected @2)'$attempted update of read-only column(#attempted update of read-only tablet)-attempted update during read-only transactionnfo*cannot update read-only view @1+no transaction for requestr ,request synchronization error-*request referenced an unavailable databasedu.+segment buffer length shorter than expectedn//attempted retrieval of more segments than existe0%attempted invalid operation on a BLOB "@1"attempted read of a new, open BLOBer2,attempted action on BLOB outside transaction3!attempted write to read-only BLOBnde43attempted reference to BLOB in unavailable database 5$operating system directive @1 failed68attempt to fetch past the last record in a record stream7unavailable database88table @1 was omitted from the transaction reserving list9Frequest includes a DSRI extension not supported in this implementationtr:feature is not supported;Eunsupported on-disk structure for file @1; found @2.@3, support @4.@5<!wrong number of arguments on call=Implementation limit exceedednsa>@1?0unrecoverable conflict with limbo transaction @1@internal errorAinternal error aBtoo many requestsCinternal errorgtD-block size exceeds implementation restrictionf mEbuffer exhaustedF:BLR syntax error: expected @1 at offset @2, encountered @3reG buffer in useBerHinternal erroronIrequest in useacJ)incompatible version of on-disk structureKtable @1 is not defined L$column @1 is not defined in table @2Minternal erroredNinternal errorchOinternal errorinPinternal errorQinternal errorRinternal erroredS0page @1 is of wrong type (expected @2, found @3)Tdatabase corruptedsuU"checksum error on database page @1atVindex is brokenWdatabase handle not zeroXtransaction handle not zero Y5transaction--request mismatch (synchronization error)mplZbad handle count[,wrong version of transaction parameter block\5unsupported BLR version (expected @1, encountered @2)])wrong version of database parameter blockoo ^<BLOB and array data types are not supported for @1 operation_database corrupted m`internal erroredainternal errororbtransaction in limboctransaction not in limbodtransaction outstandingne'connection rejected by remote interfacerfinternal errorurginternal errors hno lock manager availablenoti"context already in use (BLR error)edjcontext not defined (BLR error)lkdata operation not supportedlundefined message numbermundefined parameter numberwrn/unable to allocate memory from operating systemto!blocking signal has been receivedge plock manager errornq%communication error with journal "@1"actr:key size exceeds implementation restriction for index "@1"nisnull segment of UNIQUE KEY ctSQL error code = @1fuwrong DYN versionvfunction @1 is not definedxpw function @1 could not be matchedxy%database detach completed with errorsandz'database system cannot read argument @1a{(database system cannot write argument @1|operation not supportedr}@1 extension errorbo~ not updatableot no rollback performeduts@1 r'update conflicts with concurrent updaterproduct @1 is not licensedobject @1 is in uset.filter not found to convert type @1 to type @2nt cannot attach active shadow file/invalid slice description language at offset @1rsubscript out of boundsbDcolumn not array or invalid dimensions (expected @1, encountered @2),record from transaction @1 is stuck in limbo)a file in manual shadow @1 is unavailableact6secondary server attachments cannot validate databases"@4secondary server attachments cannot start journalinggenerator @1 is not defined1secondary server attachments cannot start loggingoulinvalid BLOB type for operatione6violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "@1" on table "@2" r+minor version too high found @1 expected @2etransaction @1 is @22transaction marked invalid and cannot be committedda cache buffer for page @1 invalid(there is no index in table @1 with id @2hYour user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.invalid bookmark handle invalid lock level @1ive-lock on table @1 conflicts with existing locke a2requested record lock conflicts with existing lock n'maximum indexes per table (@1) exceededc7enable journal for database before starting online dumpoonline dump failure. Retry dumpn%an online dump is already in progressnts5no more disk/tape space. Cannot continue online dumpnts7journaling allowed only if database has Write-ahead Log?maximum number of online dump files that can be specified is 16a5error in opening Write-ahead Log file during recoveryconinvalid statement handle!Write-ahead log subsystem failuretedWAL Writer errorLog file header of @1 too smalllInvalid version of log file @1ch;Log file @1 not latest in the chain but open flag still setiBLog file @1 not closed properly; database recovery may be requiredba-Database name in the log file @1 is differentnva*Unexpected end of log file @1 at offset @2ve1Incomplete log record at offset @1 in log file @27Log record header too small at offset @1 in log file @2/Log block too small at offset @1 in log file @2j@Illegal attempt to attach to an uninitialized WAL segment for @1%Invalid WAL parameter block option @1ead(Cannot roll over to the next log file @1%database does not use Write-ahead Logali/cannot drop log file when journaling is enabled"reference to invalid stream numbers WAL subsystem encountered erroroWAL subsystem corruptedlbmust specify archive file when enabling long term journal for databases with round-robin log filesL database @1 shutdown in progress&refresh range number @1 already in usee !refresh range number @1 not found chCHARACTER SET @1 is not defined !lock time-out on wait transactionoveprocedure @1 is not definede)Input parameter mismatch for procedure @1nex,Database @1: WAL subsystem bug for pid @2 @30Could not expand the WAL segment for database @1status code @1 unknown oexception @1 not defined exception @1restart shared cache managerinvalid lock handleo$long-term journaling already enabled,Unable to roll over please see Firebird log.(WAL I/O error. Please see Firebird log.JWAL writer - Journal server communication error. Please see Firebird log.:WAL buffers cannot be increased. Please see Firebird log.en*WAL setup error. Please see Firebird log.obsolete+Cannot start WAL writer for the database @1adatabase @1 shutdown(cannot modify an existing user privilege?Cannot delete PRIMARY KEY being used in FOREIGN KEY definition.u5Column used in a PRIMARY constraint must be NOT NULL.@Name of Referential Constraint not defined in constraints table.=Non-existent PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY specified for FOREIGN KEY.ase0Cannot update constraints (RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS).2Cannot update constraints (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS). u<Cannot delete CHECK constraint entry (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS);Cannot delete index segment used by an Integrity Constraintg;Cannot update index segment used by an Integrity Constraints3Cannot delete index used by an Integrity Constraint 3Cannot modify index used by an Integrity Constraint0Cannot delete trigger used by a CHECK Constraint0Cannot update trigger used by a CHECK Constraint;Cannot delete column being used in an Integrity Constraint.a;Cannot rename column being used in an Integrity Constraint.n5Cannot update constraints (RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS).in "Cannot define constraints on viewsd Ainternal Firebird consistency check (invalid RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE)ons9Attempt to define a second PRIMARY KEY for the same tableARY'cannot modify or erase a system trigger0only the owner of a table may reassign ownershipcould not find object for GRANTKcould not find column for GRANTH1user does not have GRANT privileges for operationt d)object has non-SQL security class definedntg)column has non-SQL security class definedteg>Write-ahead Log without shared cache configuration not allowedradatabase shutdown unsuccessful:Operation violates CHECK constraint @1 on view or table @2nninvalid service handleEC"database @1 shutdown in @2 secondsei(wrong version of service parameter block$unrecognized service parameter blockservice @1 is not defined co long-term journaling not enabled5Cannot transliterate character between character setsFir0WAL defined; Cache Manager must be started first7Overflow log specification required for round-robin logl.Implementation of text subtype @1 not located.Dynamic SQL ErrorablInvalid commandpData type for constant unknownTKInvalid cursor referenceData type unknown noInvalid cursor declarationioCursor @1 is not updatableur Attempt to reopen an open cursor"Attempt to reclose a closed cursoritColumn unknownarInternal error n Table unknownataProcedure unknownly Request unknown. SQLDA error:Count of read-write columns does not equal count of valuesnn Invalid statement handle Function unknown Column is not a BLOB 0COLLATION @1 for CHARACTER SET @2 is not defined 5COLLATION @1 is not valid for specified CHARACTER SET coOption specified more than oncedUnknown transaction optionctInvalid array reference'Array declared with too many dimensionsfIllegal array dimension rangen rTrigger unknown !Subselect illegal in this contexte @1Cannot prepare a CREATE DATABASE/SCHEMA statementid 3must specify column name for view select expressiona,number of columns does not match select list=Only simple column names permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION*No WHERE clause for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONt 1Only one table allowed for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONBDISTINCT, GROUP or HAVING not permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION3FOREIGN KEY column count does not match PRIMARY KEY 2No subqueries permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONnk#expression evaluation not supportedLgen.c: node not supportednot Unexpected end of commandot !INDEX @1" EXCEPTION @1# COLUMN @1eci$ Token unknown%union not supportedi&Unsupported DSQL constructe'column used with aggregateny(invalid column reference)invalid ORDER BY clauseg*3Return mode by value not allowed for this data type+6External functions cannot have more than 10 parameters,6alias @1 conflicts with an alias in the same statementmb-9alias @1 conflicts with a procedure in the same statementn n.5alias @1 conflicts with a table in the same statementcla/Illegal use of keyword VALUE0'segment count of 0 defined for index @1O1KA node name is not permitted in a secondary, shadow, cache or log file name2TABLE @13 PROCEDURE @14cannot create index @1nt58Write-ahead Log with shadowing configuration not allowed6there are @1 dependenciesxpr7"too many keys defined for index @1n.8NPreceding file did not specify length, so @1 must include starting page numberCE9(Shadow number must be a positive integer:"Token unknown - line @1, column @2su;7there is no alias or table named @1 at this scope level<!there is no index @1 for table @2id ="table @1 is not referenced in planue>Itable @1 is referenced more than once in plan; use aliases to distinguish10 ?8table @1 is referenced in the plan but not the from list@'Invalid use of CHARACTER SET or COLLATErA3Specified domain or source column @1 does not existwB-index @1 cannot be used in the specified planse C>the table @1 is referenced twice; use aliases to differentiateD;attempt to fetch before the first record in a record streamiE"the current position is on a crackFdatabase or file existstG.invalid comparison operator for find operationotHConnection lost to pipe serverieI bad checksumJwrong page type KGCannot insert because the file is readonly or is on a read only medium.pL!multiple rows in singleton select a M"cannot attach to password databaseneN.cannot start transaction for password databaseedO$invalid direction for find operationP6variable @1 conflicts with parameter in same procedureplQ4Array/BLOB/DATE data types not allowed in arithmeticR2@1 is not a valid base table of the specified view iSAtable @1 is referenced twice in view; use an alias to distinguishOLLT@view @1 has more than one base table; use aliases to distinguishU*cannot add index, index root page is full.VBLOB SUB_TYPE @1 is not definedsW2Too many concurrent executions of the same requeste X-duplicate specification of @1 - not supportedY@violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "@1" on table "@2"Z=server version too old to support all CREATE DATABASE optionshec[#drop database completed with errorsi\'procedure @1 does not return any valuese]3count of column list and variable list do not match ^(attempt to index BLOB column in index @1_)attempt to index array column in index @1eed`?too few key columns found for index @1 (incorrect column name?)ta cannot deleteameb(last column in a table cannot be deletedc sort errorhmdsort error: not enough memorybleetoo many versionsfinvalid key positiong+segments not allowed in expression index @1h(sort error: corruption in data structurei&new record size of @1 bytes is too bigx j&Inappropriate self-reference of columns k/request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?)hl"cannot access column @1 in view @2atm)dbkey not available for multi-table viewsnjournal file wrong formatNIQointermediate journal file fullpHThe prepare statement identifies a prepare statement with an open cursorqFirebird errorthrCache redefinedrs1Insufficient memory to allocate page buffer cacheistt Log redefined nouLog size too small ivLog partition size too smallw<Partitions not supported in series of log file specificationx3Total length of a partitioned log must be specifiednyPrecision must be from 1 to 18abz(Scale must be between zero and precision{Short integer expectedle|Long integer expected}Unsigned short integer expecteds~Invalid ESCAPE sequencex1service @1 does not have an associated executableFailed to locate host machine.x Undefined service @1/@2.KThe specified name was not found in the hosts file or Domain Name Services.nDuser does not have GRANT privileges on base table/view for operationAmbiguous column reference.QInvalid aggregate referenceuFnavigational stream @1 references a view with more than one base tablecu7Attempt to execute an unprepared dynamic SQL statement.uPositive value expectede'Incorrect values within SQLDA structureinvalid blob id2Operation not supported for EXTERNAL FILE table @1poService is currently busy: @1ion1stack size insufficent to execute current requestednInvalid key for find operationab(Error initializing the network software.#Unable to load required library @1.g0Unable to complete network request to host "@1".!Failed to establish a connection.1Error while listening for an incoming connection.@Failed to establish a secondary connection for event processing.?Error while listening for an incoming event connection request.c'Error reading data from the connection. %Error writing data to the connection.7Cannot deactivate index used by an integrity constrainte;Cannot deactivate index used by a PRIMARY/UNIQUE constraintt3Client/Server Express not supported in this released5Access to databases on file servers is not supported.rec!Error while trying to create filenvaError while trying to open filer Error while trying to close file$Error while trying to read from file#Error while trying to write to files!Error while trying to delete filenab!Error while trying to access fileftwKA fatal exception occurred during the execution of a user defined function.rconnection lost to databaset(User cannot write to RDB$USER_PRIVILEGEStoken size exceeds limitBMaximum user count exceeded. Contact your database administrator.sstYour login @1 is same as one of the SQL role name. Ask your database administrator to set up a valid Firebird login.N"REFERENCES table" without "(column)" requires PRIMARY KEY on referenced tableat>The username entered is too long. Maximum length is 31 bytes.es?The password specified is too long. Maximum length is 8 bytes.f*A username is required for this operation.e )A password is required for this operationg t)The network protocol specified is invalidile8A duplicate user name was found in the security database>The user name specified was not found in the security database3An error occurred while attempting to add the user.e=An error occurred while attempting to modify the user record.=An error occurred while attempting to delete the user record.VIL7An error occurred while updating the security database.e'sort record size of @1 bytes is too bigs;can not define a not null column with NULL as default value invalid clause --- '@1'p!too many open handles to database size of optimizer block exceeded/a string constant is delimited by double quotes!DATE must be changed to TIMESTAMPm l&attempted update on read-only databasefi0SQL dialect @1 is not supported in this databaseAA fatal exception occurred during the execution of a blob filter.r t]Access violation. The code attempted to access a virtual address without privilege to do so. fohDatatype misalignment. The attempted to read or write a value that was not stored on a memory boundary.\Array bounds exceeded. The code attempted to access an array element that is out of bounds.mFloat denormal operand. One of the floating-point operands is too small to represent a standard float value. wh\Floating-point divide by zero. The code attempted to divide a floating-point value by zero.uFloating-point inexact result. The result of a floating-point operation cannot be represented as a deciaml fraction.cFloating-point invalid operand. An indeterminant error occurred during a floating-point operation.EkFloating-point overflow. The exponent of a floating-point operation is greater than the magnitude allowed.rmFloating-point stack check. The stack overflowed or underflowed as the result of a floating-point operation.ioniFloating-point underflow. The exponent of a floating-point operation is less than the magnitude allowed.he eInteger divide by zero. The code attempted to divide an integer value by an integer divisor of zero.he mInteger overflow. The result of an integer operation caused the most significant bit of the result to carry.poiMAn exception occurred that does not have a description. Exception number @1.t diStack overflow. The resource requirements of the runtime stack have exceeded the memory available to it.. KSegmentation Fault. The code attempted to access memory without privileges.HIllegal Instruction. The Code attempted to perfrom an illegal operation..Bus Error. The Code caused a system bus error.rf\Floating Point Error. The Code caused an Arithmetic Exception or a floating point exception.'Cannot delete rows from external files.r%Cannot update rows in external files.t oPUnable to perform operation. You must be either SYSDBA or owner of the database7Specified EXTRACT part does not exist in input datatypebbService @1 requires SYSDBA permissions. Reattach to the Service Manager using the SYSDBA account.erEThe file @1 is currently in use by another process. Try again later.the!Cannot attach to services manageroccOMetadata update statement is not allowed by the current database SQL dialect @1 operation was cancelledh7unexpected item in service parameter block, expected @1?Client SQL dialect @1 does not support reference to @2 datatypeKuser name and password are required while attaching to the services managergYou created an indirect dependency on uncommitted metadata. You must roll back the current transaction. #The service name was not specified.EToo many Contexts of Relation/Procedure/Views. Maximum allowed is 256ern&data type not supported for arithmeticn.*Database dialect being changed from 3 to 1seDatabase dialect not changed.ot Unable to create database @1+Database dialect @1 is not a valid dialect.eValid database dialects are @1.nSQL warning code = @1rre&DATE data type is now called TIMESTAMPerSFunction @1 is in @2, which is not in a permitted directory for external functions.l'value exceeds the range for valid dates0passed client dialect @1 is not a valid dialect.Valid client dialects are @1.6Unsupported field type specified in BETWEEN predicate.KServices functionality will be supported in a later version of the product GENERATOR @1 Function @1nDInvalid parameter to FETCH or FIRST. Only integers >= 0 are allowed.DInvalid parameter to OFFSET or SKIP. Only integers >= 0 are allowed.fFile exceeded maximum size of 2GB. Add another database file or use a 64 bit I/O version of Firebird.ia<Unable to find savepoint with name @1 in transaction context-Invalid column position used in the @1 clauseaseeCannot use an aggregate or window function in a WHERE clause, use HAVING (for aggregate only) instead?Cannot use an aggregate or window function in a GROUP BY clause2cInvalid expression in the @1 (not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause)a^Invalid expression in the @1 (neither an aggregate function nor a part of the GROUP BY clause)5Nested aggregate and window functions are not allowed@Invalid argument in EXECUTE STATEMENT - cannot convert to string,Wrong request type in EXECUTE STATEMENT '@1'^Variable type (position @1) in EXECUTE STATEMENT '@2' INTO does not match returned column typeto.Too many recursion levels of EXECUTE STATEMENT?Use of @1 at location @2 is not allowed by server configuration6CCannot change difference file name while database is in backup mode@>Physical backup is not allowed while Write-Ahead Log is in use cCursor is not open a1Target shutdown mode is invalid for database "@1"INGMConcatenation overflow. Resulting string cannot exceed 32765 bytes in length. a MInvalid offset parameter @1 to SUBSTRING. Only positive integers are allowed.ega+Foreign key reference target does not exist 1Foreign key references are present for the record pa cannot updateaus Cursor is already opennd @1nc 0Context variable @1 is not found in namespace @2 &Invalid namespace name @1 passed to @2- Too many context variablesonInvalid argument passed to @1@1'.BLR syntax error. Identifier @1... is too longNT exception @1Malformed string*Output parameter mismatch for procedure @1TA.Unexpected end of command - line @1, column @2d 6partner index segment no @1 has incompatible data typenaLInvalid length parameter @1 to SUBSTRING. Negative integers are not allowed.!CHARACTER SET @1 is not installed no2COLLATION @1 for CHARACTER SET @2 is not installedseconnection shutdownoMaximum BLOB size exceededt <Can't have relation with only computed fields or constraints+Time precision exceeds allowed range (0-@1)a7Unsupported conversion to target type BLOB (subtype @1)e+Unsupported conversion to target type ARRAY&Stream does not support record lockingUCannot create foreign key constraint @1. Partner index does not exist or is inactive.nva WTransactions count exceeded. Perform backup and restore to make database operable againe!$Column has been unexpectedly deleted"@1 cannot depend on @2ed#=Blob sub_types bigger than 1 (text) are for internal use only$HProcedure @1 is not selectable (it does not contain a SUSPEND statement)%2Datatype @1 is not supported for sorting operationd.& COLLATION @1' DOMAIN @1lle(domain @1 is not defined)+Array data type can use up to @1 dimensionss*?A multi database transaction cannot span more than @1 databases +Bad debug info formatcon,&Error while parsing procedure @1's BLR r-index key too bigpor.#concurrent transaction number is @1 /,validation error for variable @1, value "@2"0#validation error for @1, value "@2"l1HDifference file name should be set explicitly for database on raw device27Login name too long (@1 characters, maximum allowed @2)d3(column @1 is not defined in procedure @24Invalid SIMILAR TO patternp 5Invalid TEB formatse60Found more than one transaction isolation in TPB7@Table reservation lock type @1 requires table name before in TPB8+Found more than one @1 specification in TPBr92Option @1 requires READ COMMITTED isolation in TPBem:7Option @1 is not valid if @2 was used previously in TPB.;;Table name length missing after table reservation @1 in TPBf<BTable name length @1 is too long after table reservation @2 in TPBta=ITable name length @1 without table name after table reservation @2 in TPBcon>RTable name length @1 goes beyond the remaining TPB size after table reservation @2re?;Table name length is zero after table reservation @1 in TPB1@OTable or view @1 not defined in system tables after table reservation @2 in TPBA`Base table or view @1 for view @2 not defined in system tables after table reservation @3 in TPBB,Option length missing after option @1 in TPBC5Option length @1 without value after option @2 in TPBsolDCOption length @1 goes beyond the remaining TPB size after option @2rE7Option length is zero after table reservation @1 in TPBF7Option length @1 exceeds the range for option @2 in TPBG3Option value @1 is invalid for the option @2 in TPBHRPreserving previous table reservation @1 for table @2, stronger than new @3 in TPB@1IVTable reservation @1 for table @2 already specified and is stronger than new @3 in TPBe JMTable reservation reached maximum recursion of @1 when expanding views in TPBiniKMTable reservation in TPB cannot be applied to @1 because it's a virtual table reLLTable reservation in TPB cannot be applied to @1 because it's a system tableMXTable reservation @1 or @2 in TPB cannot be applied to @3 because it's a temporary tableN`Cannot set the transaction in read only mode after a table reservation isc_tpb_lock_write in TPBOfCannot take a table reservation isc_tpb_lock_write in TPB because the transaction is in read only mode lP(value exceeds the range for a valid timeQ,value exceeds the range for valid timestampsRstring right truncationeSBblob truncation when converting to a string: length limit exceededreTnumeric value is out of rangehanUBFirebird shutdown is still in progress after the specified timeoutd VAttachment handle is busyBe WbBad written UDF detected: pointer returned in FREE_IT function was not allocated by ib_util_mallocrvX,External Data Source provider '@1' not foundY2Execute statement error at @1 : @2Data source : @3 aZ&Execute statement preprocess SQL errorrv[Statement expected e\Parameter name expected] Unclosed comment found near '@1'^AExecute statement error at @1 : @2Statement : @3 Data source : @4t t_Input parameters mismatchaft`Output parameters mismatchk_a&Input parameter '@1' have no value setatb4BLR stream length @1 exceeds implementation limit @2c Monitoring table space exhaustedd,module name or entrypoint could not be foundenothing to cancelfUib_util library has not been loaded to deallocate memory returned by FREE_IT function exg6Cannot have circular dependencies with computed fieldsrdhSecurity database erroraiSInvalid data type in DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP addition or subtraction in add_datettime()ej.Only a TIME value can be added to a DATE valueock.Only a DATE value can be added to a TIME valuerolDTIMESTAMP values can be subtracted only from another TIMESTAMP valuem)Only one operand can be of type TIMESTAMPrrvnKOnly HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND and MILLISECOND can be extracted from TIME valuesoIHOUR, MINUTE, SECOND and MILLISECOND cannot be extracted from DATE values2StpDInvalid argument for EXTRACT() not being of DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP typeqHArguments for @1 must be integral types or NUMERIC/DECIMAL without scalerBFirst argument for @1 must be integral type or floating point type ts:Human readable UUID argument for @1 must be of string type ft>Human readable UUID argument for @2 must be of exact length @1oauPHuman readable UUID argument for @3 must have "-" at position @2 instead of "@1"vVHuman readable UUID argument for @3 must have hex digit at position @2 instead of "@1"ATwKOnly HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND and MILLISECOND can be added to TIME values in @1uxBInvalid data type in addition of part to DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP in @1a y@Invalid part @1 to be added to a DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP value in @2z8Expected DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP type in evlDateAdd() result{DExpected DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP type as first and second argument to @1|PThe result of TIME- in @1 cannot be expressed in YEAR, MONTH, DAY or WEEK}oThe result of TIME-TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMP-TIME in @1 cannot be expressed in HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND or MILLISECOND ~fThe result of DATE-TIME or TIME-DATE in @1 cannot be expressed in HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND and MILLISECONDVInvalid part @1 to express the difference between two DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP values in @2gu Argument for @1 must be positiveBase for @1 must be positive,Argument #@1 for @2 must be zero or positive$Argument #@1 for @2 must be positive2Base for @1 cannot be zero if exponent is negativeCBase for @1 cannot be negative if exponent is not an integral valueu4The numeric scale must be between -128 and 127 in @1(Argument for @1 must be zero or positive2Binary UUID argument for @1 must be of string typeAT-Binary UUID argument for @2 must use @1 bytesxpe3Missing required item @1 in service parameter block@1 server is shutdownaluInvalid connection stringEARUnrecognized events blockesu5Could not start first worker thread - shutdown serversedNTimeout occurred while waiting for a secondary connection for event processingn +Argument for @1 must be different than zeroM,Argument for @1 must be in the range [-1, 1]1Argument for @1 must be greater or equal than one,Argument for @1 must be in the range ]-1, 1[5Incorrect parameters provided to internal function @1or /Floating point overflow in built-in function @1-Floating point overflow in result from UDF @1e/Invalid floating point value returned by UDF @1oYDatabase is probably already opened by another engine instance in another Windows sessionfor,No free space found in temporary directories+Explicit transaction control is not allowedU9Use of TRUSTED switches in spb_command_line is prohibitedite PACKAGE @1ICannot make field @1 of table @2 NOT NULL because there are NULLs presentogn#Feature @1 is not supported anymore VIEW @1r&Can not access lock files directory @1ed6Fetch option @1 is invalid for a non-scrollable cursorn %Error while parsing function @1's BLRn z:Cannot execute function @1 of the unimplemented package @2gu;Cannot execute procedure @1 of the unimplemented package @2rBExternal function @1 not returned by the external engine plugin @2ntCExternal procedure @1 not returned by the external engine plugin @2AExternal trigger @1 not returned by the external engine plugin @2loa5Incompatible plugin version @1 for external engine @2blyExternal engine @1 not foundAttachment is in useTransaction is in use foError loading plugin @1Loadable module @1 not found6Standard plugin entrypoint does not exist in module @1e &Module @1 exists but can not be loaded,Module @1 does not contain plugin @2 type @3.Invalid usage of context namespace DDL_TRIGGERno3Value is NULL but isNull parameter was not informedl!Type @1 is incompatible with BLOBion Invalid date Invalid timeInvalid timestamparsInvalid index @1 in function @2e@1ct8Asynchronous call is already running for this attachment$Function @1 is private to package @2%Procedure @1 is private to package @2theHRequest can't access new records in relation @1 and should be recompiledinvalid events id (handle)teCannot copy statement @1#Invalid usage of boolean expressiono$Arguments for @1 cannot both be zeromissing service ID in spb1 nBExternal BLR message mismatch: invalid null descriptor at field @17External BLR message mismatch: length = @1, expected @2#Subscript @1 out of bounds [@2, @3]_Install incomplete, please read the Compatibility chapter in the release notes for this versionG/@1 operation is not allowed for system table @2i'Libtommath error code @1 in function @2ODunsupported BLR version (expected between @1 and @2, encountered @3)expected length @1, actual @2=Wrong info requested in isc_svc_query() for anonymous serviceentNNo isc_info_svc_stdin in user request, but service thread requested stdin data @1Start request for anonymous service is impossible@1 ;All services except for getting server log require switches9Size of stdin data is more than was requested from clientonoCrypt plugin @1 failed to loade 6Length of crypt plugin name should not exceed @1 byteses(Crypt failed - already crypting database5Crypt failed - database is already in requested stateted0Missing crypt plugin, but page appears encryptedNo providers loadedx"NULL data with non-zero SPB length9Maximum (@1) number of arguments exceeded for function @2 in?External BLR message mismatch: names count = @1, blr count = @2 0External BLR message mismatch: name @1 not foundInvalid resultset interface IMessage length passed from user application does not match set of columnsctu.Resultset is missing output format information) 4Message metadata not ready - item @1 is not finishedMissing configuration file: @1d @1: illegal line <@2>ues'Invalid include operator in @1 for <@2>Include depth too bigng File to include not found'Only the owner can change the ownershiprundefined variable number@1 Missing security context for @1 :Missing segment @1 in multisegment connect block parametereaEDifferent logins in connect and attach packets - client library errortat7Exceeded exchange limit during authentication handshakeBIncompatible wire encryption levels requested on client and serverFClient attempted to attach unencrypted but wire encryption is requiredal>Client attempted to start wire encryption using unknown key @1rfEClient attempted to start wire encryption using unsupported plugin @1 co<Error getting security database name from configuration fileAClient authentication plugin is missing required data from serveronfHClient authentication plugin expected @2 bytes of @3 from server, got @1EAttempt to get information about an unprepared dynamic SQL statement.ot Problematic key value is @1c3Cannot select virtual table @1 for update WITH LOCK2Cannot select system table @1 for update WITH LOCKt 5Cannot select temporary table @1 for update WITH LOCK loSystem @1 @2 cannot be modifiedi3Server misconfigured - contact administrator pleasepDeprecated backward compatibility ALTER ROLE ... SET/DROP AUTO ADMIN mapping may be used only for RDB$ADMIN roleMapping @1 already existsdalMapping @1 does not exist wi$@1 failed when loading mapping cache(Invalid name <*> in authentication blockMultiple maps found for @1ro@Undefined mapping result - more than one different results found3Incompatible mode of attachment to damaged databasefUAttempt to set in database number of buffers which is out of acceptable range [@1:@2]pt 9Attempt to temporarily set number of buffers less than @1?Global mapping is not available when database @1 is not presentfPGlobal mapping is not available when table RDB$MAP is not present in database @1#Your attachment has no trusted role !Role @1 is invalid or unavailablee m-Cursor @1 is not positioned in a valid recordstrDuplicated user attribute @1(There is no privilege for this operation$Using GRANT OPTION on @1 not allowed%read conflicts with concurrent updatebe 2@1 failed when working with CREATE DATABASE grantsst LCREATE DATABASE grants check is not possible when database @1 is not present eCREATE DATABASE grants check is not possible when table RDB$DB_CREATORS is not present in database @1 re 3Interface @3 version too old: expected @1, found @2t (Input parameter mismatch for function @18Error during savepoint backout - transaction invalidatedFDomain used in the PRIMARY KEY constraint of table @1 must be NOT NULLrs=CHARACTER SET @1 cannot be used as a attachment character set @1?Some database(s) were shutdown when trying to read mapping dataMIError occurred during login, please check server firebird.log for detailsGDatabase already opened with engine instance, incompatible with currentlInvalid crypt key @14Page requires encryption but crypt plugin is missing' expected type'bad block typeTI'bad block size' corrupt pool' bad pool IDt'memory exhausted'set option not implementedan'show option not implementedc'show_fields: dtype not done@' INTERNAL: @1'"** QLI error from database "@1" **ss'** QLI error from database **t p'** QLI error: @1 **'expected @1, encountered "@2"ect'integer overflow'integer division by zero 'floating overflow trapav!'floating division by zerolid"'floating underflow trapP#'floating overflow fault@$'floating underflow fault%'arithmetic exception&'-illegal instruction or address, recovering...(s)''7Please retry, supplying an application script file namec(')Welcome to QLI Query Language Interpreter.lo)'qli version @1*' Statistics for database "@1" @2+'HSH_remove failedurr,'EVAL_boolean: not finished-'EVAL_value: not finished.'&data type not supported for arithmetic/'*user name is supported in RSEs temporarily0'Input value is too longl1'EXEC_execute: not implementedet 2'print_blob: expected field nodet3'#output pipe is not supported on VMSy4'could not create pipe @15' fdopen failedfro6'execution terminated by signalor7'field validation error Q8'#Request terminated by statement: @1t9'Request terminated by statement:'Cannot open output file "@1";'Could not run "@1"<'comparison not doner='conversion not implementedpP>'conversion not implemented?'MOVQ_move: conversion not doneit@' BLOB conversion is not supportedA'conversion errorB'conversion errorC'conversion errorD'conversion errorE'conversion errorF'conversion errorG' BLOB conversion is not supportedH'$Error converting string "@1" to dateI'overflow during conversionnoJ'gds_$put_segment failed K' fseek failedL'unterminated quoted stringM'could not open scratch fileSN' fseek failedO'unterminated quoted stringP'+unexpected end of procedure in procedure @1 Q'!unexpected end of file in file @1s nR'unexpected eofS'cannot open command file "@1"dopT'#PIC_edit: class not yet implemented U'conversion errorV'procedure "@1" is undefinedmW'*procedure "@1" is undefined in database @2 bX'procedure "@1" is undefinedpY')Could not create QLI$PROCEDURE_NAME fieldompZ'$Could not create QLI$PROCEDURE field['%Could not create QLI$PROCEDURES table'\')procedure name "@1" in use in database @2con]'database handle required^'BQLI$PROCEDURES table must be created with RDO in Rdb/VMS databasesnv_'!procedure name over 31 characters`' [@1 topics matched @2]na' @1Sub-topics available:b' No help is available for @1 @2c'! Sub-topics available for @1 are:ds_d'8Procedures can not be renamed across databases. Try COPYe'%Procedure @1 not found in database @2seef'!substitute prompt string too longgg'!substitute prompt string too longoceh'%Procedure @1 not found in database @2e @i'%Procedure @1 not found in database @2en j'No security classes definedtk'! Security class @1 is not definedrsil' No views defined "@m' No indexes definedcn' No indexes defineddo' No databases are currently readyp'"Procedure @1 in database "@2" (@3)DUq'text, length @1r'varying text, length @1fs'null terminated text, length @1Ut' short binaryu' long binary v'quadw'short floatingtax' long floating'y'BLOBz', segment length @1d{' , subtype @1|' , subtype BLRroc}' , subtype ACLara~'date' , scale @1tc', subtype fixedt'Database "@1" readied as @2 ' Database "@1"'' No databases are currently ready'; Page size is @1 bytes. Current allocation is @2 pages.'&Field @1 does not exist in database @2ee',Field @1 does not exist in any open database' (computed expression)on'*There are no forms defined for database @1 @'/There are no forms defined in any open database'-Global field @1 does not exist in database @21 i'3Global field @1 does not exist in any open databasee'+There are no fields defined for database @1d'0There are no fields defined in any open database'%Procedure @1 not found in database @2'Procedure @1 not found'!Procedures in database "@1" (@2):hor'$No triggers are defined for table @1'&No triggers are defined in database @1'&No triggers are defined in database @1su' Variables:su' QLI, version "@1" AC' Version(s) for database "@1"'&expand_expression: not yet implementedie'%expand_statement: not yet implementedtab')variables may not be based on BLOB fields@1 '.cannot perform assignment to computed field @1'no context for ERASE'cannot erase from a join'5@1.* cannot be used when a single element is requiredpre'("@1" is undefined or used out of context'no default form name'No database for form @1d''form @1 is not defined in database "@2"i'$no context for form ACCEPT statement'"field @1 is not defined in form @2er'no context for modifyata'field list required for modifyfi'No items in print list'No items in print listba'invalid ORDER BY ordinal';asterisk expressions require exactly one qualifying contextg'unrecognized context'Ifield referenced in BASED ON cannot be resolved against readied databasesn d'$expected statement, encountered "@1"'#Expected PROCEDURE encountered "@1"f'period in qualified name'no databases are readyie' BLOB variables are not supported'end of statement'end of commandBL'quoted edit string p'variable definition clause'@1 is not a database' @1 is not a table in database @2'variable data type s'=no data type may be specified for a variable based on a fieldcon'object type for DEFINEme' table namee 'comma between field definitionsn'FROM'table or view name f'[CCE']ent'No statements issued yet'ON or TO'quoted edit stringta'column definition clause'.global fields may not be based on other fieldsms'!field name or asterisk expressionord'FROM RSE clausep'commaire'quoted header segmentxtg'left parenthesis'&comma or terminating right parenthesist 'left parenthesis'VALUES list or SELECT clause'6the number of values do not match the number of fields "'value expression'right parenthesistab' quoted string' ENTREE or ENDt s' quoted stringf s'index state optionma' table name e'ADD, MODIFY, or DROP'comma between field definitionsi' identifierat'positive numbere'FORM'period in qualified table namefo' @1 is not a table in database @2'$database file name required on READY'EXISTS (SELECT * )i'relational operatorl'a database has not been readiedt''expected "table_name", encountered "@1"O' table namet ' PROCEDUREolu' TOP or BOTTOM''report writer SET option' report items' set option o'RELATIONS or TRIGGERS' table name' database nameuot' table nametg' database namesis' table nameer' database namehes' table namear' table nameLU' FROM clausel'AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM, or COUNT' COUNT (*)ber'left parenthesis'OFon'database handlei'SET'$database block not found for removal'show_fields: dtype not donet'global field @1 already exists' Cannot define an index in a view'Index @1 already existsi'$Column @1 does not occur in table @2'Table @1 already existsi'.Field @1 is in use in the following relations:in'#Field @1 is in use in database "@2"i((Field @1 is not defined in database "@2"((Index @1 is not defined in database "@2"(metadata operation failedted( no active database for operation(5Interactive metadata updates are not available on Rdb(global field @1 is not defined i(&Index @1 does not exist in database @2RI(field @1 does not exist( no active database for operation (5Interactive metadata updates are not available on Rdbnam (Unlicensed for database "@1" (&Field @1 already exists in relation @2MI (#data type cannot be changed locally (global field @1 does not existta(!field @1 not found in relation @2blo(0Data type conflict with existing global field @1(#No data type specified for field @1(database info call failed(!do not understand BLR operator @1olu(&Operation unlicensed for database "@1"@1(" Security class for database @1 i( Database description:( Database description:2"i( File: @1 starting at page @2tab( Field @1 in @2 @3 of database @4( Global field @1a( Field description:( Datatype information:(( Field is computed from:e( Field validation:( Security class @1d i( Query name: @1x ( Query name: @1!( Edit string: @1"( Edit string: @1#( Query header:ve $(Global field @1 in database @2Rd%( Field description:ab&( Datatype information:exi'( Field is computed from:p(( Field validation:()( Query name: @1t*( Edit string: @1+( Query header:(,(2 @1 is not used in any relations in database @2-(Forms in database @1.(Global fields for database @1:/( Field description:op0( Index @1@2io1(" index @1 is NOT active 2( Index @1@2e 3( Description:4( Security class @1ata5( Stored in external file @1st6(4OBSOLETE - An erase trigger is defined for @17(4OBSOLETE - A modify trigger is defined for @18(3OBSOLETE - A store trigger is defined for @1m9($ Security classes for database @1:($OBSOLETE - Triggers for relation @1:;(JOBSOLETE - Source for the erase trigger is not available. Trigger BLR: <(,OBSOLETE - Erase trigger for relation @1:=(KOBSOLETE - Source for the modify trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:e>(-OBSOLETE - Modify trigger for relation @1:(?(JOBSOLETE - Source for the store trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:@1@(,OBSOLETE - Store trigger for relation @1:A('OBSOLETE - Triggers for relation @1:B(JOBSOLETE - Source for the erase trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:deC(,OBSOLETE - Erase trigger for relation @1:D(KOBSOLETE - Source for the modify trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:fE(-OBSOLETE - Modify trigger for relation @1: deF(JOBSOLETE - Source for the store trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:SOG(,OBSOLETE - Store trigger for relation @1:H(= View source for relation @1 is not available. View BLR:or I(& Relation @1 is a view defined as:heJ(Views in database @1:le.K( @1 comprised of :ETEL(Views in database @1:ionM( @1 comprised of:N(BLOBO(, segment length @1lP(, subtype textQ( , subtype BLRifyR( , subtype ACL @1S( , subtype @1T(text, length @1oU(varying text, length @1rV(null terminated text, length @1 W( short binaryX( long binaryEY(quadword binarytZ(short floating@1[( long floating fo\(date]( , scale @1 ^(, subtype fixedt_(/ Global field @1 is used in database @2 as :E`( @1 in relation @2laa( Field @1 in @2 @3 of database @4b( Global field @1ac( Field description:d( Datatype informatione( Field is computed from: f( Field validation:r ig( Query name: @1Lh( Query name: @1ti( Query header:@1:j( Edit string: @1k( Edit string: @1. l(@1 Based on field @2 of @3@4m( @1Base field description for @2:n( END PROCEDUREo(&Do you want to roll back your updates?asp($gen_descriptor: dtype not recognizedq(gen_expression: not understoodr("gen_statement: not yet implementeds(gen_statistical: not understood1t("EDIT argument must be a BLOB fieldxtu(/relations from multiple databases in single RSEv("cannot find database for BLOB editw('compile_expression: not yet implementedx('not yet implemented (compile_statement)y(computable: not yet implementedbz($make_descriptor: not yet implemented{(missing messagef|( lost message}(Triggers for relation @1:iel~( @1 @2, Sequence @3, @4pe( Pre-store( Post-storete( Pre-modify ( Post-modifyi( Pre-erase na( Post-erase (Active1t(Inactive( Description: ( Source for the trigger:(7 Source for the trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:a(No system triggers are definedD (System Trigger for relation @1l ($ Triggers defined for this relation:(Trigger for relation @1:( TOP or BOTTOMsto( sort fieldat(Too many WITHsnt(( Shadow @1, File: @2 starting at page @3(DATABASE, TABLE, or INDEXfie($Database filename required in CREATE(FLOATSE(INDEXt f(!Multiple page size specificationsle_('GROUP BY not allowed in view definition()Aggregates not allowed in view definition((NULL(ASt (SELECT(=des(ONot( field name( table nameef(user name identifier(GRANTrel(OPTION(FROM(TOe ( ADD or DROP-(Dynamic DDL buffer exceeded(TABLE((5Database handle @1 conflicts with an established name(%Could not create QLI$PROCEDURES index (Cannot convert from @1 to @2(&Cannot convert "@1" to a numeric value T($function @1 not found in database @2(>Incompatible global field @1 already exists in target databasene(#Relation @1 is missing or undefineda(!matching language string too longort( Functions in database "@1" (@2):(+Functions are not supported in database @1.A(4There are no functions defined in any open database.(1Functions are not supported in any open database.pag( Function description:ROU(*Function @1 is not defined in database @2.(0Function @1 is not defined in any open database.('Function @1 (@2) in database "@3" (@4):s("Function @1 in database "@2" (@3):bl( Function library is @1er( Return argument is( Argument @1 is(,database file name required on DROP DATABASE(Unlicensed for database "@1"(!Could not drop database file "@1"(&Operation unlicensed for database "@1" ( array c("memory pool free list is incorrect "(block released twice(,released block overlaps following free block((released block overlaps prior free block(CReferences to array fields like @1 in relation @2 are not supportedn()Filters are not supported in database @1.bas((Filter @1 is not defined in database @2.(.Filter @1 is not defined in any open database. i(/Filters are not supported in any open database. (2There are no filters defined in any open database.OU( Filter @1 in database "@2" (@3):( Filter library is @1( Input sub-type is @1( Output sub-type is @1 (@( Filter description:b(Filters in database @1 (@2):( Index @1@2@3@4(7simple field reference not allowed in global aggregatesa(*prompting not allowed in select field listli(&output pipe is not supported on MPE/XL d(2could not resolve context for aggregate expressionas(!source relation @1 does not existol (Messages associated with @1:( message @1: @2e(<Connection to database @1 lost. Please FINISH the database!(Unable to create form window('Do you want to rollback updates for @1?o(*functions are not supported in database @1at('no functions are defined in database @1 ((filters are not supported in database @1(&no filters are defined for database @1pp(fError during two phase commit on database @1. Roll back all databases or commit databases individuallyat(Only fields may be subscripted(1"@1" is not a field and so may not be subscriptede i(8Data type of field @1 may not be changed to or from BLOB( qli: ignoring unknown switch -@1(0literal string characters or longer( Variable @1l( Query name: @1m( Edit string: @1(!Variable @1 has not been declaredppo( Datatype information: re(input line too long (input line too longr( number > 0t ( (@1)($cannot format unsubscripted array @1(/unsuccessful attempt to extend pool beyond 64KBe(Ffield width (@1) * header segments (@2) greater than 60,000 characterst (Relation @1 does not exist(FORMs not supported ( Expression index BLR:ct(Invalid argument for UDF(SINGULAR (SELECT * )dat(JOIN("Field @1 in view @2 of database @3pp)&Field @1 in relation @2 of database @3as)YESb)NOta)Re-enter)Enterivi)'bad kanji found while formatting output) Subtopic? t )-\ntype for next topic or to stop: typ)unknown data type @1 )2 reads = !r writes = !w fetches = !f marks = !m@1 ); elapsed = !e cpu = !u system = !s mem = !x buffers = !bi )#@1 Based on field @2 of relation @3 )@1 Based on field @2 of view @3 ) PRECISIONare)!Field scale exceeds allowed range()"Field length exceeds allowed range t)(Field length should be greater than zero)"Usage: qli [options] [""])` may be a single qli command or a series of qli commands\n separated by semicolons)Valid options are:t )0 -a(pp_script) application script )+ -b(uffers) set page buffers a)/ -f(etch_password) fetch password from file>), -i(nit_script) startup script )6 -n(obanner) do not show the welcome message)& -p(assword) user's password)4 -tra(ce) show internal parser's tokens)1 -tru(sted_auth) use trusted authenticationead) -u(ser) user name)! -v(erify) echo inputtem)+ -z show program versionl)? Options can be abbreviated to the unparenthesized charactersC )5Start qli without [command] to enter interactive modeiel!)qli: ignoring unknown switch @1"):Warning: cannot issue DDL statements against database "@1"s]#)3 -nod(btriggers) do not run database triggersm$)O -e(xit) exit after end of script instead going to command prompt 1u&data base file name (@1) already givenip2uinvalid switch @1ers3ugfix version @1f4uincompatible switch combinationf5ureplay log pathname required6u)number of page buffers for cache required -7unumeric value required t8upositive numeric value requiredr9u)number of transactions per sweep required:u$transaction number or "all" required;u"sync" or "async" requirededupassword required -?usubsystem nameo @u"wal" required Aunumber of seconds requirednlBu4numeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive requiredCumust specify type of shutdown [cDu"please retry, specifying an optionEuplausible options are:1FuB\n Options can be abbreviated to the unparenthesized charactersGu$please retry, giving a database nameHuSummary of validation errorsIu? -ac(tivate_shadow) activate shadow file for database usageaJu9 -at(tach) shutdown new database attachmentsuKu, -begin_log begin logging for replay utilityLu, -b(uffers) set page buffers Mu5 -co(mmit) commit transaction aluNu. -ca(che) shutdown cache managerOu -disable disable WALPu6 -fu(ll) validate record fragments (-v)"aQu/ -fo(rce_shutdown) force database shutdownRu. -h(ousekeeping) set sweep interval Su. -i(gnore) ignore checksum errorsmbTu9 -k(ill_shadow) kill all unavailable shadow files inUu/ -l(ist) show limbo transactionscVu; -me(nd) prepare corrupt database for backupnWu1 -n(o_update) read-only validation (-v)npaXuA -o(nline) database online Yu7 -pr(ompt) prompt for commit/rollback (-l)iZu( -pa(ssword) default password[u* -quit_log quit logging for replay utilitynt\u7 -r(ollback) rollback transaction ]u0 -sw(eep) force garbage collection^u8 -sh(utdown) shutdown _u< -tw(o_phase) perform automated two-phase recovery`u4 -tra(nsaction) shutdown transaction startupau> -u(se) use full or reserve space for versions -bu) -user default user namecu3 -v(alidate) validate database structure-du= -w(rite) write synchronously or asynchronously(iseu$ -x set debug onfu5 -z print software version numberupngu%\n Number of record level errors : @1idahu Number of Blob page errors : @1iu Number of data page errors : @1ju! Number of index page errors : @1romku# Number of pointer page errors : @1slu' Number of transaction page errors : @1lmu$ Number of database page errors : @1nubad block type ou#internal block exceeds maximum size-pu corrupt poolquvirtual memory exhaustedru bad pool id su(Transaction state @1 not in valid range.tu(ATTACH_DATABASE: attempted attach of @1,uu failedsvu succeededwuTransaction @1 is in limbo.txu,More limbo transactions than fit. Try againyuUnrecognized info item @1 vezu9A commit of transaction @1 will violate two-phase commit.{uDA rollback of transaction @1 is needed to preserve two-phase commit.|u4Transaction @1 has already been partially committed.}u=A rollback of this transaction will violate two-phase commit. so~u,Transaction @1 has been partially committed.u7A commit is necessary to preserve the two-phase commit.u2Insufficient information is available to determineexu#a proper action for transaction @1.tu7Transaction @1: All subtransactions have been prepared.:u&Either commit or rollback is possible.@1uunexpected end of inputu*Commit, rollback, or neither (c, r, or n)?t u2Could not reattach to database for transaction @1.uOriginal path: @1notuEnter a valid path:AuAttach unsuccessful.u3failed to reconnect to a transaction in database @1uTransaction @1:iu Multidatabase transaction:u Host Site: @1ainu Transaction @1ituhas been prepared.f uhas been committed. uhas been rolled back. rouis not available.is u#is not found, assumed not prepared.u&is not found, assumed to be committed.itu Remote Site: @1tu Database Path: @1 cou3 Automated recovery would commit this transaction..u5 Automated recovery would rollback this transaction.t.uIWarning: Multidatabase transaction is in inconsistent state for recovery.on u>Transaction @1 was committed, but prior ones were rolled back.eeu>Transaction @1 was rolled back, but prior ones were committed.exu$Transaction description item unknownu8 -mo(de) read_only or read_write databaseu$"read_only" or "read_write" requiredu. -sq(l_dialect) set database dialect nucu(database SQL dialect must be one of '@1'udialect number requiredu'positive or zero numeric value requiredtu2 -tru(sted) use trusted authenticationreu)could not open password file @1, errno @2rolu)could not read password file @1, errno @2s nuempty password file @1.u0 -fe(tch_password) fetch password from fileu usage: gfix [options] uE -nol(inger) close database ignoring linger setting for itn..u% Number of inventory page errors : @1hisu% Number of record level warnings : @1e tu" Number of blob page warnings : @1cou" Number of data page warnings : @1edu# Number of index page warnings : @1u% Number of pointer page warnings : @1s wu) Number of transaction page warnings : @1temu& Number of database page warnings : @1nlu' Number of inventory page warnings : @1"uJ -icu fix database to be usable with present ICU versionu) -role set SQL role nameuSQL role name requireddr1Cannot SELECT RDB$DB_KEY from a stored procedure. -skPrecision 10 to 18 changed from DOUBLE PRECISION in SQL dialect 1 to 64-bit scaled integer in SQL dialect 3otNUse of @1 expression that returns different results in dialect 1 and dialect 3_puADatabase SQL dialect @1 does not support reference to @2 datatypese>vwRDB dialect @1 and client dialect @2 conflict with respect to numeric precision @3. ix>WARNING: Numeric literal @1 is interpreted as a floating-point @yGvalue in SQL dialect 1, but as an exact numeric value in SQL dialect 3.rzKWARNING: NUMERIC and DECIMAL fields with precision 10 or greater are storedp{Das approximate floating-point values in SQL dialect 1, but as 64-bit|integers in SQL dialect 3.ng}&Ambiguous field name between @1 and @2in~>External function should have return position between 1 and @1 p Label @1 @2 in the current scope/Datatypes @1are not comparable in expression @2D Empty cursor name is not allowed*Statement already has a cursor @1 assignedON-Cursor @1 is not found in the current contextlec/Cursor @1 already exists in the current context %Relation @1 is ambiguous in cursor @2ata%Relation @1 is not found in cursor @2e tCursor is not openLData type @1 is not supported for EXTERNAL TABLES. Relation '@2', field '@3'5Feature not supported on ODS version older than @1.@2loa Primary key required on table @1BUPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match primary key of table @1IC:UPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match MATCHING clause[UPDATE OR INSERT without MATCHING could not be used with views based on more than one table Incompatible trigger typebet&Database trigger type can't be changedldPTo be used with RDB$RECORD_VERSION, @1 must be a table or a view of single table2SQLDA version expected between @1 and @2, found @3at SQLVAR index @1ot(empty pointer to NULL indicator variableempty pointer to data is"No SQLDA for input values provided#No SQLDA for output values providedt0Wrong number of parameters (expected @1, got @2)8 ODS version not supported by DYN8unsupported DYN verb8!STORE RDB$FIELD_DIMENSIONS failed fo8unsupported DYN verb8@1d 8unsupported DYN verb8DEFINE BLOB FILTER failed1.@8DEFINE GENERATOR failedd8$DEFINE GENERATOR unexpected DYN verb8DEFINE FUNCTION failed o8unsupported DYN verb8DEFINE FUNCTION ARGUMENT failedH8STORE RDB$FIELDS failedN8No table specified for index8STORE RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS faileda8unsupported DYN verb8 PRIMARY KEY column lookup failed8Rcould not find UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint in table @1 with specified columnsew8PRIMARY KEY lookup failed86could not find PRIMARY KEY index in specified table @18STORE RDB$INDICES failed8STORE RDB$FIELDS failed 8 STORE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed8STORE RDB$RELATIONS failedpr81STORE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed defining a table8unsupported DYN verb8STORE RDB$RELATIONS failedrs8STORE RDB$FIELDS failed8 STORE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed8unsupported DYN verb8DEFINE TRIGGER failed8unsupported DYN verb8DEFINE TRIGGER MESSAGE failed1.@8STORE RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS failed8ERASE RDB$FIELDS failed 8ERASE BLOB FILTER failed8BLOB Filter @1 not found8unsupported DYN verb8#ERASE RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS failedN8ERASE RDB$FUNCTIONS failedex8Function @1 not foundNTS8unsupported DYN verb8CDomain @1 is used in table @2 (local name @3) and cannot be droppedU8ERASE RDB$FIELDS failedt8ERASE RDB$FIELDS failedw8Column not found8ERASE RDB$INDICES failed8Index not founda8ERASE RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS failedd8No segments found for index8No table specified in ERASE RFR80Column @1 from table @2 is referenced in view @38 ERASE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed8View @1 not found88Column not found for table8ERASE RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS failedR8ERASE RDB$INDICES failed8 ERASE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed8ERASE RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS failed 8ERASE RDB$RELATIONS failed f8Table not foundD8 ERASE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed8ERASE RDB$FILES failedBL8unsupported DYN verb8!ERASE RDB$TRIGGER_MESSAGES failedYN 8ERASE RDB$TRIGGERS failedGUM8Trigger not found RD8 MODIFY RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS failed8unsupported DYN verb8TRIGGER NAME expected is8ERASE TRIGGER MESSAGE failed8Trigger Message not found RD8unsupported DYN verb8!ERASE RDB$SECURITY_CLASSES failed8Security class not found8unsupported DYN verb8*SELECT RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in grantme8*SELECT RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in grantER8)STORE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in grantnce80Specified domain or source column does not exist8 Generation of column name failed8Generation of index name failedN8!Generation of trigger name failedICE8MODIFY DATABASE failedTI8 MODIFY RDB$CHARACTER_SETS failed8MODIFY RDB$COLLATIONS failed8MODIFY RDB$FIELDS failed8MODIFY RDB$BLOB_FILTERS failedGE8Domain not found8unsupported DYN verb8MODIFY RDB$INDICES failed$TR8MODIFY RDB$FUNCTIONS failedS8Index column not found8MODIFY RDB$GENERATORS failed8!MODIFY RDB$RELATION_FIELDS faileded 8Local column @1 not foundcte8add EXTERNAL FILE not allowedled8drop EXTERNAL FILE not allowed8MODIFY RDB$RELATIONS failedS8&MODIFY RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS failed8Table column not foundnd8MODIFY TRIGGER failed88TRIGGER NAME expectedS f8unsupported DYN verb8MODIFY TRIGGER MESSAGE failedtER8Create metadata BLOB faileda8Write metadata BLOB faileddo8Close metadata BLOB failedst81Triggers created automatically cannot be modifiedn o8unsupported DYN verb8-ERASE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in revoke(1)TAB81Access to RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in revoke(2)8.ERASE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in revoke (3)fa82Access to RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in revoke (4) n8CREATE VIEW failedd 8) attempt to index BLOB column in INDEX @18* attempt to index array column in index @1ot8key size too big for index @1 fa8no keys for index @18Unknown columns in index @1o8%STORE RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS failed no8"STORE RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS failed a8XColumn: @1 not defined as NOT NULL - cannot be used in PRIMARY KEY constraint definition8=A column name is repeated in the definition of constraint: @18"Integrity Constraint lookup failedd 8cSame set of columns cannot be used in more than one PRIMARY KEY and/or UNIQUE constraint definitionB8 STORE RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS failed9'No table specified in delete_constraintc9%ERASE RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS failederb9CONSTRAINT @1 does not exist.led9$Generation of constraint name failed9Table @1 already exists9GNumber of referencing columns do not equal number of referenced columnsS9STORE RDB$PROCEDURES failedn9Procedure @1 already exists9%STORE RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS failed8 9!Store into system table @1 failedex 9%ERASE RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS failed8 9ERASE RDB$PROCEDURES failedn 9Procedure @1 not found 9MODIFY RDB$PROCEDURES failed9DEFINE EXCEPTION failedS9ERASE EXCEPTION failed: 9Exception not found-9MODIFY EXCEPTION failed9&Parameter @1 in procedure @2 not foundit9Trigger @1 not found9<Only one data type change to the domain @1 allowed at a time9;Only one data type change to the field @1 allowed at a timet9STORE RDB$FILES failedRE9Character set @1 not foundle9Collation @1 not foundtc9ERASE RDB$LOG_FILES failedIN9STORE RDB$LOG_FILES faileddo9Role @1 not foundene9Difference file lookup failed9DEFINE SHADOW failed9MODIFY RDB$ROLES failedn9%Name longer than database column size9 9*"Only one constraint allowed for a domain"@1"9!Looking up column position failedRE_#9EA node name is not permitted in a table with external file definition RD$9Shadow lookup failed%9Shadow @1 already exists&9ACannot add file with the same name as the database or added filesled'9>no grant option for privilege @1 on column @2 of table/view @3(9Cno grant option for privilege @1 on column @2 of base table/view @3)9Ano grant option for privilege @1 on table/view @2 (for column @3)und*9Fno grant option for privilege @1 on base table/view @2 (for column @3)ly+9Bno @1 privilege with grant option on table/view @2 (for column @3)FI,9Gno @1 privilege with grant option on base table/view @2 (for column @3)c-91no grant option for privilege @1 on table/view @2_FI.92no @1 privilege with grant option on table/view @2 f/9table/view @1 does not exist09)column @1 does not exist in table/view @219Can not alter a view291EXTERNAL FILE table not supported in this contextmai39/attempt to index COMPUTED BY column in INDEX @149Table Name lookup failed59attempt to index a viewn69$SELECT RDB$RELATIONS failed in grant79*SELECT RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed in grantth893SELECT RDB$RELATIONS/RDB$OWNER_NAME failed in grantg99*SELECT RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in grant/v:9ASELECT RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS/RDB$RELATION_FIELDS/... failed in grant;91column @1 from table @2 is referenced in index @3 (f<9SQL role @1 does not existpt=90user @1 has no grant admin option on SQL role @2>9&user @1 is not a member of SQL role @2on?9"@1 is not the owner of SQL role @2 @@9@1 is a SQL role and not a useraA9+user name @1 could not be used for SQL role B9SQL role @1 already existsFIC9-keyword @1 can not be used as a SQL role nameew D9tSQL roles are not supported in on older versions of the database. A backup and restore of the database is required.L9GCannot rename domain @1 to @2. A domain with that name already exists.xM9SCannot rename column @1 to @2. A column with that name already exists in table @3.vN9+Column @1 from table @2 is referenced in @3O9dCannot change datatype for column @1. Changing datatype is not supported for BLOB or ARRAY columns.P9@New size specified for column @1 must be at least @2 characters.Q9TCannot change datatype for @1. Conversion from base type @2 to @3 is not supported.R9SCannot change datatype for column @1 from a character type to a non-character type. S93unable to allocate memory from the operating system@T9'Zero length identifiers are not allowedU9ERASE RDB$GENERATORS failedSV9Sequence @1 not foundlreW9Difference file is not defined bX9"Difference file is already definedleY9/Database is already in the physical backup modeeZ9+Database is not in the physical backup mode.[9DEFINE COLLATION failed \9qCREATE COLLATION statement is not supported in older versions of the database. A backup and restore is required.xis]97Maximum number of collations per character set exceededn^9Invalid collation attributes_9/Collation @1 not installed for character set @2L`9:Cannot use the internal domain @1 as new type for field @2bea97Default value is not allowed for array type in field @1b98Default value is not allowed for array type in domain @1c9&DYN_UTIL_is_array failed for domain @1ngd9)DYN_UTIL_copy_domain failed for domain @1 a e9&Local column @1 doesn't have a default mf9,Local column @1 default belongs to domain @2g9File name is invalidh9@1 cannot reference @2aii97Local column @1 is computed, cannot set a default valuenj9ERASE RDB$COLLATIONS failed k9FCollation @1 is used in table @2 (field name @3) and cannot be droppedl97Collation @1 is used in domain @2 and cannot be droppedCm9Cannot delete system collationONn93Cannot delete default collation of CHARACTER SET @1so9KDomain @1 is used in procedure @2 (parameter name @3) and cannot be droppedap9)Field @1 cannot be used twice in index @2ribq9Table @1 not foundotr91attempt to reference a view (@1) in a foreign keyters9NCollation @1 is used in procedure @2 (parameter name @3) and cannot be droppedt95New scale specified for column @1 must be at most @2. @1u9:New precision specified for column @1 must be at least @2.opv9$@1 is not grantor of @2 on @3 to @4.w9'Warning: @1 on @2 is not granted to @3.ax9*Feature '@1' is not supported in ODS @2.@3ley9,Cannot add or remove COMPUTED from column @1z9#Password should not be empty string {9Index @1 already existsD|93Only @1 or database owner can use GRANTED BY clause2}9Exception @1 already existsp~9Sequence @1 already existsn 95ERASE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in REVOKE ALL ON ALLcol9Package @1 not found9Schema @1 not foundA9(Cannot ALTER or DROP system procedure @19&Cannot ALTER or DROP system trigger @1da9'Cannot ALTER or DROP system function @1@9&Invalid DDL statement for procedure @1t 9$Invalid DDL statement for trigger @197Function @1 has not been defined on the package body @2)98Procedure @1 has not been defined on the package body @297Function @1 has a signature mismatch on package body @2198Procedure @1 has a signature mismatch on package body @29YDefault values for parameters are allowed only in declaration of packaged procedure @1.@299Function @1 already existsin9Package body @1 already existsve9%Invalid DDL statement for function @1ld 9\Cannot alter new style function @1 with ALTER EXTERNAL FUNCTION. Use ALTER FUNCTION instead.9!Cannot delete system generator @1exi9KIdentity column @1 of table @2 must be of exact number type with zero scale 9<Identity column @1 of table @2 cannot be changed to NULLable98Identity column @1 of table @2 cannot have default value9^Domain @1 must be of exact number type with zero scale because it's used in an identity columnd 9#Generation of generator name faileda9%Parameter @1 in function @2 not foundion9$Parameter @1 of routine @2 not found9jParameter @1 of routine @2 is ambiguous (found in both procedures and functions). Use a specifier keyword.ac9MCollation @1 is used in function @2 (parameter name @3) and cannot be droppedpac9JDomain @1 is used in function @2 (parameter name @3) and cannot be dropped1 97ALTER USER requires at least one clause to be specified 9 Cannot delete system SQL role @19#Column @1 is not an identity columnF9Duplicate @1 @29System @1 @2 cannot be modified93INCREMENT BY 0 is an illegal option for sequence @1t9&Can't use @1 in FOREIGN KEY constraint o9XDefault values for parameters are allowed only in declaration of packaged function @1.@29-Password must be specified when creating usere w9*Concurrent ALTER DATABASE is not supportedlu92Incompatible ALTER DATABASE clauses: '@1' and '@2'ra9+no @1 privilege with grant option on DDL @2e9.no @1 privilege with grant option on object @2as9Function @1 does not exist9Procedure @1 does not existi9Package @1 does not existure9Trigger @1 does not exist ke9View @1 does not exists 9Table @1 does not existn9Exception @1 does not exist9$Generator/Sequence @1 does not exist9#Field @1 of table @2 does not existThis is a modified text message This is a test message d*could not locate appropriate error messagen found unknown switchpage size parameter missingn9Page size specified (@1) greater than limit (16384 bytes)equ-redirect location for output is not specifiedt o'conflicting switches for backup/restoreedevice type @1 not knownprotection is not there yets.page size is allowed only on restore or create A*multiple sources or destinations specifiedle(requires both input and output filenames1input and output have the same name. Disallowed. pr$expected page size, encountered "@1"6REPLACE specified, but the first file @1 is a databaset ?database @1 already exists. To replace it, use the -REP switchidevice type not specifiedstn,cannot create APOLLO tape descriptor file @12cannot set APOLLO tape descriptor attribute for @1oe1cannot create APOLLO cartridge descriptor file @1+cannot close APOLLO tape descriptor file @1pgds_$blob_info failed#do not understand BLOB INFO item @1egds_$get_segment failedpgds_$close_blob failedt gds_$open_blob failedectFailed in put_blr_gen_iddata type @1 not understoodsgds_$compile_request failedtgds_$start_request failedn igds_$receive failedegds_$release_request failed gds_$database_info failedor $Expected database description recordfailed to create database @1#RESTORE: decompression length errorlcannot find table @1Cannot find column for BLOBgds_$create_blob failedtgds_$put_segment failed expected record lengthis/wrong length record, expected @1 encountered @2texpected data attributenFailed in store_blr_gen_idildo not recognize record type @1r(Expected backup version 1..10. Found @1"expected backup description recordstring truncated'warning -- record could not be restoredegds_$send failedno table name for data%unexpected end of file on backup fileob +database format @1 is too old to restore tol(array dimension for column @1 is invalid5expected array version number @1 but instead found @2t_r0expected array dimension @1 but instead found @2Expected XDR record lengths_)Unexpected I/O error while @1 backup file de#adding file @1, starting at page @2tarraybackuppr2 @1B(ACKUP_DATABASE) backup database to filenn backup file is compressedG @1D(EVICE) backup file device type on APOLLO (CT or MT)d: @1M(ETA_DATA) backup or restore metadata onlyedblobcannot open backup file @1il+cannot open status and error output file @1c'closing file, committing, and finishing1committing metadatadcommit failed on table @1committing secondary files rcreating index @1edecommitting data for table @1 E @1C(REATE_DATABASE) create database from backup file (restore)ata 'created database @1, page_size @2 bytes creating file @1 creating indexes (database @1 has a page size of @2 bytes.< @1I(NACTIVE) deactivate indexes during restore#do not understand BLOB INFO item @1x.do not recognize @1 attribute @2 -- continuing f,error accessing BLOB column @1 -- continuing'Exiting before completion due to errorsu'Exiting before completion due to errorsmcolumnfile file length filter d"finishing, closing, and going home functionfunction argumentmetgbak version @1bdomain oindexle trigger @1 is invalids alegal switches are: <length given for initial file (@1) is less than minimum (@2)!. @1E(XPAND) no data compressionti"7 @1L(IMBO) ignore transactions in limboi#6 @1O(NE_AT_A_TIME) restore one table at a timeda$opened file @1e %5 @1P(AGE_SIZE) override default page size& page size @1'5page size specified (@1 bytes) rounded up to @2 bytesf @(/ @1Z print version numbern) privilegeore* @1 records ignoredI+ @1 records restoredog,@1 records writtennt-B @1Y redirect/suppress status message outputg .9Reducing the database page size from @1 bytes to @2 bytes du/table0F @1REP(LACE_DATABASE) replace database from backup file (restore)d 13 @1V(ERIFY) report each action taken2%restore failed for record in table @1nde3 restoring column @1i4 restoring file @1e:5 restoring filter @1l6restoring function @1um 7& restoring argument for function @1 c8" restoring gen id value of: @1 9restoring domain @1i: restoring index @1ME;# restoring privilege for user @1<restoring data for table @1_=restoring security class @1e> restoring trigger @1?$ restoring trigger message for @1@# restoring type @1 for column @2 Astarted transactionnBstarting transactionCsecurity classdID=switches can be abbreviated to the unparenthesized characters E*transportable backup -- data in XDR formatssFtriggerGtrigger messagesH trigger typeIunknown switch "@1"J&validation error on column in table @1abK Version(s) for database "@1"LviewM$ writing argument for function @1N writing data for table @1e @O writing gen id of: @11iP writing column @1Q writing filter @1Rwriting filters@S writing function @1eTwriting functionsU writing domain @1f: Vwriting domainsoW writing index @1X! writing privilege for user @1ge Y writing table @1Zwriting tables[ writing security class @1\ writing trigger @1]" writing trigger message for @1^writing trigger messages_writing triggers`! writing type @1 for column @2a writing typesbwriting shadow filesc writing shadow file @1 dwriting id generators-- e! writing generator @1 value @2freadied database @1 for backupgrestoring table @1blhtypeigbak:atij committing metadata for table @1k&error committing metadata for table @1l; @1K(ILL) restore without creating shadowsrmcannot commit index @1ngncannot commit files oE @1T(RANSPORTABLE) transportable backup -- data in XDR formatrs@p9closing file, committing, and finishing. @1 bytes writtenq5 @1G(ARBAGE_COLLECT) inhibit garbage collectionritr/ @1IG(NORE) ignore bad checksums s2 column @1 used in index @2 seems to have vanishedt>index @1 omitted because @2 of the expected @3 keys were foundu* @1FA(CTOR) blocking factorg v!blocking factor parameter missingw*expected blocking factor, encountered "@1"itx?a blocking factor may not be used in conjunction with device CT y restoring generator @1 value: @2z? @1OL(D_DESCRIPTIONS) save old style metadata descriptions{F @1N(O_VALIDITY) do not restore database validity conditionsng|user name parameter missing }password parameter missingho~, @1PAS(SWORD) Firebird password- @1USER Firebird user nameBLEwriting stored proceduresta writing stored procedure @1e)writing parameter @1 for stored procedurerestoring stored procedure @1t g/ restoring parameter @1 for stored procedureiwriting exceptionswriting exception @1restoring exception @18 missing parameter for the number of bytes to be skipped8expected number of bytes to be skipped, encountered "@1"7adjusting an invalid decompression length from @1 to @2r1skipped @1 bytes after reading a bad attribute @2useF @1S(KIP_BAD_DATA) skip number of bytes after reading bad dataKskipped @1 bytes looking for next valid attribute, encountered attribute @2twriting table constraintswriting constraint @1 table constraintwriting referential constraintsmwriting check constraintsordwriting character sets writing collationseb character set writing character set @1 collationwriting collation @13Unexpected I/O error while reading from backup filee1Unexpected I/O error while writing to backup fileedu Could not open file name "@1"  Could not write to file "@1"g  Could not read from file "@1"1Done with volume #@1, "@2"c Press return to reopen that file, or type a new name followed by return to open a different file. 'Type a file name to open and hit returnc Name:  ERROR: Backup incomplete b'Expected backup start time @1, found @2%Expected backup database @1, found @2es *Expected volume number @1, found volume @2oo5could not drop database @1 (database might be in use)$Skipped bad security class entry: @1%Unknown V3 SUB_TYPE: @1 in FIELD: @2.raiEConverted V3 sub_type: @1 to character_set_id: @2 and collate_id: @3.BConverted V3 scale: @1 to character_set_id: @2 and callate_id: @3.@1System memory exhaustedt? @1NT Non-Transportable backup file formatf&Index "@1" failed to activate because: t1 The unique index has duplicate values or NULLs.E Delete or Update duplicate values or NULLs, and activate index with ALTER INDEX "@1" ACTIVE;= Not enough disk space to create the sort file for an index.y rv Set the TMP environment variable to a directory on a filesystem that does have enough space, and activate index withleFDatabase is not online due to failure to activate one or more indices.taARun gfix -online to bring database online without active indices.writing SQL rolesse  writing SQL role: @1SQL role restoring SQL role: @1 e, @1RO(LE) Firebird SQL roleSQL role parameter missing @: @1CO(NVERT) backup external files as tablesV3gbak: WARNING:r_ gbak: ERROR:8 @1BU(FFERS) override page buffers defaultpage buffers parameter missingp 'expected page buffers, encountered "@1"t1page buffers is allowed only on restore or createes Starting with volume #@1, "@2" d:size specification either missing or incorrect for file @1R file @1 out of sequenceo&can't join -- one of the files missingr : standard input is not supported when using join operationorNstandard output is not supported when using split operation or in verbose modesebackup file @1 might be corruptt#database file specification missingn&can't write a header record to file @1ndfree disk space exhaustedse 6file size given (@1) is less than minimum allowed (@2)gWarning -- free disk space exhausted for file @1, the rest of the bytes (@2) will be written to file @3tservice name parameter missing WCannot restore over current database, must be SYSDBA or owner of the existing database. C @1USE_(ALL_SPACE) do not reserve space for record versionsm/ @1SE(RVICE) use services managert= @1MO(DE) "read_only" or "read_write" accesstar$"read_only" or "read_write" required$setting database to read-only access%just data ignore all constraints etc.Nrestoring data only ignoring foreign key, unique, not null & other constraintsus9closing file, committing, and finishing. @1 bytes written usv @1R(ECREATE_DATABASE) [O(VERWRITE)] create (or replace if OVERWRITE used)\n database from backup file (restore)- activating and creating deferred index @1reecheck constraint exception giarray dimensions generator procedure- fprocedure parameterrreferential constraints type (in RDB$TYPES)e7 @1NOD(BTRIGGERS) do not run database triggerso5 @1TRU(STED) use trusted authenticationtinwriting names mapping  writing map for @1re restoring map for @1 name mapping cannot restore arbitrary mappingrestoring names mapping"9 @1FIX_FSS_D(ATA) fix malformed UNICODE_FSS datawri= @1FIX_FSS_M(ETADATA) fix malformed UNICODE_FSS metadatadatCharacter set parameter missingCharacter set @1 not foundgn3 @1FE(TCH_PASSWORD) fetch password from file too many passwords provided )could not open password file @1, errno @2 [O)could not read password file @1, errno @2\n empty password file @1re3Attribute @1 was already processed for exception @2@ISkipping attribute @1 because the message already exists for exception @2[Trying to recover from unexpected attribute @1 due to wrong message length for exception @2B>Attribute not specified for storing text bigger than 255 bytesso,Unable to store text bigger than 65536 bytes+Failed while fixing the security class nameUsage:p E gbak -b [backup options] [general options]stoF gbak -c [restore options] [general options]A)C = | ... (size in db pages)fM = | ... (size in bytes = n[K|M|G])har? -recreate overwrite and -replace can be used instead of -crbackup options are:yrestore options are:general options are:(verbose interval value parameter missing0verbose interval value cannot be smaller than @1E @1VERBI(NT) verbose information with explicit intervalibu ;verify (verbose) and verbint options are mutually exclusive /option -@1 is allowed only on restore or created $option -@1 is allowed only on backup *options -@1 and -@2 are mutually exclusiveig >parameter for option -@1 was already specified with value "@2"es option -@1 was already specifiedwriting package @1p writing packagesrestoring package @1packagel,dependency depth greater than @1 for view @2Gvalue greater than @1 when calculating length of rdb$db_key for view @2b8Invalid metadata detected. Use -FIX_FSS_METADATA option.0Invalid data detected. Use -FIX_FSS_DATA option.@text for attribute @1 is too large in @2, truncating to @3 bytes)Expected backup version @2..@3. Found @1pti writing view @1i table @1 is a viewalwriting security classes'database format @1 is too old to backup1backup version is @1adjusting system generatorsl-Error closing database, but backup file is OKopt database!6required mapping attributes are missing in backup file")missing regular expression to skip tablesns #. @1SKIP_D(ATA) skip data for tablefo$1regular expression to skip tables was already set%fixing views dbkey length&5updating ownership of packages, procedures and tablesrin'adding missing privileges(,adjusting the ONLINE and FORCED WRITES flags)+ @1ST(ATISTICS) TDRW show statistics:b*) T time from startcte+$ D delta time,$ R page reads-% W page writes @2.statistics parameter missing/'wrong char "@1" at statistics parameter0&too many chars at statistics parametervi1total statisticsFirebird errortaRollback not performedacConnection errorConnection not establisheden!Connection authorization failure.ut 'deadlock(*Unsuccessful execution caused by deadlock. b),record from transaction @1 is stuck in limbo+operation completed with errors .$the SQL statement cannot be executed09Unsuccessful execution caused by an unavailable resource.dbk2lUnsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements3rUnsuccessful execution caused by system error that does not preclude successful execution of subsequent statements nWrong numeric typeteotoo many versions pintermediate journal file full qjournal file wrong format r"database @1 shutdown in @2 secondsatsrestart shared cache managert exception @1u bad checksumv!refresh range number @1 not foundrviw#expression evaluation not supportedrx3FOREIGN KEY column count does not match PRIMARY KEYry9Attempt to define a second PRIMARY KEY for the same tableionzcolumn used with aggregate{invalid column reference|invalid key position}$invalid direction for find operation~Invalid statement handleinvalid lock handletinvalid lock level @1invalid bookmark handleywrong or obsolete versionuThe INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DDL or authorization statement cannot be executed because the transaction is inquiry onlyful,external file could not be opened for output!multiple rows in singleton selecttat2No subqueries permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONonBDISTINCT, GROUP or HAVING not permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONma1Only one table allowed for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONest*No WHERE clause for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION=Only simple column names permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONssiUAn error was found in the application program input parameters for the SQL statement.tInvalid insert or update value(s): object columns are constrained - no 2 table rows can have duplicate column values5Arithmetic overflow or division by zero has occurred.lev"cannot access column @1 in view @22Too many concurrent executions of the same request, 'maximum indexes per table (@1) exceedede&new record size of @1 bytes is too bignl+segments not allowed in expression index @1uwrong page typew invalid ARRAY or BLOB operationu@1 extension errorIT :key size exceeds implementation restriction for index "@1"r !definition error for index @1one$cannot create indexH;-duplicate specification of @1 - not supported CHGNThe insert failed because a column definition includes validation constraints.N1Cannot delete object referenced by another objectaraO1Cannot modify object referenced by another objectd PP&Object is referenced by another objectQ$lock on conflicts with existing lockY0This operation is not defined for system tables.[&Inappropriate self-reference of columnrf\Illegal array dimension rangelev_database or file exists `(sort error: corruption in data structureanode not supportedb(Shadow number must be a positive integercNPreceding file did not specify length, so @1 must include starting page number id-illegal operation when at beginning of stream ore"the current position is on a crackIT(cannot modify an existing user privilege5user does not have the privilege to perform operationKThis user does not have privilege to perform this operation on this object.'transaction marked invalid by I/O erroro1Cannot prepare a CREATE DATABASE/SCHEMA statement ob(violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "@1"HThe prepare statement identifies a prepare statement with an open cursorUnknown statement or request&Attempt to update non-updatable cursorSThe cursor identified in the UPDATE or DELETE statement is not positioned on a row. Unknown cursorl ;The cursor identified in an OPEN statement is already open.t@The cursor identified in a FETCH or CLOSE statement is not open..Overflow occurred during data type conversion.in!null segment of UNIQUE KEY@1"subscript out of boundsb&data operation not supported'.invalid comparison operator for find operations ~5Cannot transliterate character between character sets3count of column list and variable list do not match+Incompatible column/host variable data typem7Operation violates CHECK constraint @1 on view or tablelAinternal Firebird consistency check (invalid RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE) ob5Cannot update constraints (RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS).rep<Cannot delete CHECK constraint entry (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS)2Cannot update constraints (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS).e 0Cannot update constraints (RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS).5Column used in a PRIMARY constraint must be NOT NULL.urs-index @1 cannot be used in the specified plan8table @1 is referenced in the plan but not the from list>the table @1 is referenced twice; use aliases to differentiatell"table @1 is not referenced in planou&Log file specification partition erroredCache or Log redefinedra8Write-ahead Log with shadowing configuration not allowed7Overflow log specification required for round-robin logl0WAL defined; Cache Manager must be started first>Write-ahead Log without shared cache configuration not allowed o+Cannot start WAL writer for the database @1 4WAL writer synchronization error for the database @1*WAL setup error. Please see Firebird log. d:WAL buffers cannot be increased. Please see Firebird log.JWAL writer - Journal server communication error. Please see Firebird log.co(WAL I/O error. Please see Firebird log.-Unable to roll over; please see Firebird log.obsoleteobsoleteobsoleteobsolete%database does not use Write-ahead Logist(Cannot roll over to the next log file @1obsoleteobsoleteCache or Log size too smallu7Log record header too small at offset @1 in log file @2r1Incomplete log record at offset @1 in log file @2nfi*Unexpected end of log file @1 at offset @2ti-Database name in the log file @1 is differentCacBLog file @1 not closed properly; database recovery may be requiredhe;Log file @1 not latest in the chain but open flag still set Invalid version of log file @1niLog file header of @1 too smallobsoletetable @1 is not definedinvalid ORDER BY clausea*Column does not belong to referenced table$column @1 is not defined in table @2Undefined nameeeAmbiguous column reference.o function @1 is not defined #Invalid data type, length, or valuegInvalid number of argumentse)dbkey not available for multi-table viewsdoe,number of columns does not match select list3must specify column name for view select expression2@1 is not a valid base table of the specified viewto!WThis column cannot be updated because it is derived from an SQL function or expression.i"rThe object of the INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statement is a view for which the requested operation is not permitted.leOInvalid Stringy;P Invalid tokeny bQInvalid numeric literal c>An error occurred while trying to update the security databasen dnon-SQL security class definedr e+ODS versions before ODS@1 are not supported fTable @1 does not existEgView @1 does not exists hAt line @1, column @2iAt unknown line and columnn j,Column @1 cannot be repeated in @2 statementk>Too many values (more than @1) in member list to match againsttal7Array and BLOB data types not allowed in computed fieldm:Implicit domain name @1 not allowed in user created domaincon6scalar operator used on field @1 which is not an arraymeo"cannot sort on more than 255 itemsnop#cannot group on more than 255 itemsoqcCannot include the same field (@1.@2) twice in the ORDER BY clause with conflicting sorting options rccolumn list from derived table @1 has more columns than the number of items in its SELECT statementesccolumn list from derived table @1 has less columns than the number of items in its SELECT statementetAno column name specified for column number @1 in derived table @2clau;column @1 was specified multiple times for derived table @2vDInternal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_expand_select_nodew7Internal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_field xJInternal dsql error: column position out of range in pass1_union_auto_castaty>Recursive CTE member (@1) can refer itself only in FROM clausefiz CTE '@1' has cyclic dependencies{8Recursive member of CTE can't be member of an outer join|=Recursive member of CTE can't reference itself more than onceite}#Recursive CTE (@1) must be an UNIONt~5CTE '@1' defined non-recursive member after recursivee O*Recursive member of CTE '@1' has @2 clauseORecursive members of CTE (@1) must be linked with another members via UNION ALLS+Non-recursive member is missing in CTE '@1'bWITH clause can't be nestedb0column @1 appears more than once in USING clause&feature is not supported in dialect @1abCTE "@1" is not used in queryed .column @1 appears more than once in ALTER VIEWsq:@1 is not supported inside IN AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION block%Unknown node type @1 in dsql/GEN_exprted6Argument for @1 in dialect 1 must be string or numericut,Argument for @1 in dialect 3 must be numeric@Strings cannot be added to or subtracted from DATE or TIME typesIInvalid data type for subtraction involving DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP typeser 8Adding two DATE values or two TIME values is not allowed;DATE value cannot be subtracted from the provided data type 2Strings cannot be added or subtracted in dialect 3:Invalid data type for addition or subtraction in dialect 3er1Invalid data type for multiplication in dialect 1ON )Strings cannot be multiplied in dialect 3E '1Invalid data type for multiplication in dialect 3 ap8Division in dialect 1 must be between numeric data types&Strings cannot be divided in dialect 3ed+Invalid data type for division in dialect 3eCStrings cannot be negated (applied the minus operator) in dialect 3/Invalid data type for negation (minus operator)0Cannot have more than 255 items in DISTINCT listALTER CHARACTER SET @1 failedmusCOMMENT ON @1 failedCREATE FUNCTION @1 failedfroALTER FUNCTION @1 failed"CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION @1 failedTEDROP FUNCTION @1 failedRECREATE FUNCTION @1 failedICREATE PROCEDURE @1 failedTEALTER PROCEDURE @1 failedthe#CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE @1 failedbDROP PROCEDURE @1 failedRECREATE PROCEDURE @1 failedCREATE TRIGGER @1 failedALTER TRIGGER @1 failedo!CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER @1 failedtriDROP TRIGGER @1 failedalRECREATE TRIGGER @1 failedfoCREATE COLLATION @1 failedDROP COLLATION @1 failedCREATE DOMAIN @1 failedALTER DOMAIN @1 failedinDROP DOMAIN @1 failedataCREATE EXCEPTION @1 failedALTER EXCEPTION @1 failedpli#CREATE OR ALTER EXCEPTION @1 failedRECREATE EXCEPTION @1 failedDROP EXCEPTION @1 failedCREATE SEQUENCE @1 failedSTICREATE TABLE @1 failedR ALTER TABLE @1 failedNT DROP TABLE @1 failedRECREATE TABLE @1 failedCREATE PACKAGE @1 failedALTER PACKAGE @1 failedE!CREATE OR ALTER PACKAGE @1 failedECRDROP PACKAGE @1 failedRECREATE PACKAGE @1 failedCREATE PACKAGE BODY @1 failedREADROP PACKAGE BODY @1 failedRECREATE PACKAGE BODY @1 failedRCREATE VIEW @1 failedALTER VIEW @1 failedCREATE OR ALTER VIEW @1 failedEARECREATE VIEW @1 failediDROP VIEW @1 failedlDROP SEQUENCE @1 failed RECREATE SEQUENCE @1 failed DROP INDEX @1 failedDROP FILTER @1 failedMAIDROP SHADOW @1 failedAINDROP ROLE @1 failedMDROP USER @1 failedACREATE ROLE @1 failedALTER ROLE @1 failedALTER INDEX @1 failedTIOALTER DATABASE failedCREATE SHADOW @1 failedaDECLARE FILTER @1 failedCREATE INDEX @1 failed fCREATE USER @1 failed@1 ALTER USER @1 failed GRANT failed REVOKE failed?Recursive member of CTE cannot use aggregate or window functionE@2 MAPPING @1 failedALTER SEQUENCE @1 failedCREATE GENERATOR @1 failedSET GENERATOR @1 failedl7WITH LOCK can be used only with a single physical tableE3FIRST/SKIP cannot be used with OFFSET/FETCH or ROWS(WITH LOCK cannot be used with aggregates WITH LOCK cannot be used with @1UNumber of arguments (@1) exceeds the maximum (@2) number of EXCEPTION USING argumentsfaiCString literal with @1 bytes exceeds the maximum length of @2 bytesfString literal with @1 characters exceeds the maximum length of @2 characters for the @3 character setdA1Too many BEGIN...END nesting. Maximum level is @1D#VRow not found for fetch, update or delete, or the result of a query is an empty table. fE#+segment buffer length shorter than expected@ $Datatype needs modificationD%&Duplicate column or domain name found.E Jinvalid block type encounterednEJwrong packet typeledJcannot map page@J&request to allocate invalid block typeJ7request to allocate block type larger than maximum sizewJ memory pool free list is invalidJinvalid pool id encounteredEJattempt to release free blockbe J9attempt to release block overlapping following free blockJ5attempt to release block overlapping prior free blockXCEJ*cannot sort on a field that does not existh Jdatabase file not available Jcannot assert logical lock wJwrong ACL version thJshadow block not founderJ%shadow lock not synchronized properlyBEGJ$root file name not listed for shadowJ'failed to remove symbol from hash tableJcannot find tip pageJinvalid rsb typeJinvalid SEND requestJ"looper: action not yet implementedgtJreturn data type not supportedpeJ$unexpected reply from journal serverJ&journal server is incompatible versiontyJ!journal server refused connectionledJ&referenced index description not foundocJindex key too bigJJ#partner index description not foundhJbad difference recordy pJ*applied differences will not fit in recordcoJrecord length inconsistent fJdecompression overran bufferJ/cannot reposition for update after sort for RMSeJ$external access type not implementedJdifferences record too longeJwrong record lengthJlimbo impossibleJwrong record versionJrecord disappearedonJcannot delete system tableskJcannot update erased record J1comparison not supported for specified data types foJ1conversion not supported for specified data typesJconversion errorJoverflow during conversionJnull or invalid arrayoopJBLOB not foundleJcannot update old BLOBpeJrelation for array not knownJfield for array not knownourJ!array subscript computation errorJexpected field nodeeJinvalid BLOB IDcJcannot find BLOB pagedocJunknown data typeJJ&shadow block not found for extend fileJindex inconsistent pJindex bucket overfilledlJexceeded index levelJpage already in usefJpage not accessed for writerJ$attempt to release page not acquiredJpage in use during flushJ:attempt to remove page from dirty page list when not thereJCCH_precedence: block markedJinsufficient cache sizerJ$no cache buffers available for reuseJ,page @1, page type @2 lock conversion deniedJ!page @1, page type @2 lock deniedforJbuffer marked for updateJCCH: @1, status = @2 (218)Jrequest of unknown resourcerJrelease of unknown resourcelJ(CMP) copy: cannot remapJbad BLR -- invalid stream olJ-argument of scalar operation must be an arrayielJ"quad word arithmetic not supportedcrJ&data type not supported for arithmetic nJrequest size limit exceededJ!cannot access field @1 in view @2ataJcannot access field in view @1 fJ EVL_assign_to: invalid operationJEVL_bitmap: invalid operationJJEVL_boolean: invalid operationlrJEVL_expr: invalid operationeJ#eval_statistical: invalid operation J-Unimplemented conversion, FAO directive O,Z,StteJ+Unimplemented conversion, FAO directive X,UeJ Error parsing RDB FAO msg stringJError parsing RDB FAO msg strJ&unknown parameter in RdB status vectorgeJ#Firebird status vector inconsistentJ,Firebird/RdB message parameter inconsistencyJ$error parsing RDB FAO message stringJunimplemented FAO directiveJ&missing pointer page in DPM_data_pagesleJFragment does not existJ&pointer page disappeared in DPM_deletealJ*pointer page lost from DPM_delete_relationusJ missing pointer page in DPM_dumpJcannot find record fragmentpJ#pointer page vanished from DPM_nextuJtemporary page buffer too smallaJdamaged data pageataJheader fragment length changed fJ*pointer page vanished from extend_relationL_J8pointer page vanished from relation list in locate_spaceJcannot find free spaceopJ$pointer page vanished from mark_fullJbad record in RDB$PAGESoJpage slot not empty,Jbad pointer pageJindex unexpectedly deletedJ3scalar operator used on field which is not an arrayDJactiveJ committedaraJ rolled back Jin an ill-defined state J5next transaction older than oldest active transactionconJ.next transaction older than oldest transactionJ!buffer marked during cache unwindpagJ%error in recovery! database corruptedoinJ)error in recovery! wrong data page recorder J(error in recovery! no space on data pageK+error in recovery! wrong header page recordoK.error in recovery! wrong generator page recordtuK+error in recovery! wrong b-tree page recordaK3error in recovery! wrong page inventory page recordK,error in recovery! wrong pointer page recordK/error in recovery! wrong index root page recordsK0error in recovery! wrong transaction page recordK9error in recovery! out of sequence log record encounteredageK$error in recovery! unknown page type K&error in recovery! unknown record type o K<journal server cannot archive to specified archive directory K7checksum error in log record when reading from log file K$cannot restore singleton select data K'lock not found in internal lock managerdKsize of opt block exceededimKToo many savepointsK"garbage collect record disappearedagKUnknown BLOB FILTER ACTION_ Kerror during savepoint backout wKcannot find record back versionnKIllegal user_type.a Kbad ACLoKinconsistent LATCH_mark releaseoKinconsistent LATCH_mark callK!inconsistent latch downgrade callverKbdb is unexpectedly markedKmissing exclusive latchnK2exceeded maximum number of shared latches on a bdberKcan't find shared latchcK/Non-zero use_count of a buffer in the empty quecK$Unexpected page change from latchingK!Invalid expression for evaluationcor K5RDB$FLAGS for trigger @1 in RDB$TRIGGERS is corruptedK!K Blobs accounting is inconsistent"K2Found array data type with more than 16 dimensionshiStatement failed, SQLSTATE = @1o%usage: isql [options] []annUnknown switch: @1t 4Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a databaseUnable to open @1!Commit current transaction (y/n)?dag Committing.BRolling back work.roCommand error: @1t w3Enter data or NULL for each column. RETURN to end.rISQL Version: @1E -a(ll) extract metadata incl. legacy non-SQL tablesK!Number of DB pages allocated = @1KSweep interval = @1kNumber of wal buffers = @1hnWal buffer size = @1 Check point length = @1r!Check point interval = @1K"Wal group commit wait = @1 i#Base level = @1$Transaction in limbo = @1ing%Frontend commands: f&6BLOBVIEW -- view BLOB in text editorRS'1BLOBDUMP -- dump BLOB to a fileK(>EDIT [] -- edit SQL script file and executeen)@INput -- take input from the named SQL file*8OUTput [] -- write output to named file+KSHELL -- execute Operating System command in sub-shellk,/HELP -- display this menuo- Set commands:n. .9 SET -- display current SET options /A SET AUTOddl -- toggle autocommit of DDL statementspag0A SET BLOB [ALL|] -- display BLOBS of subtype or ALLfer1B SET COUNT -- toggle count of selected rows on/off28 SET ECHO -- toggle command echo on/off3F SET STATs -- toggle display of performance statisticsom4@ SET TERM -- change statement terminator string58SHOW [] -- display system information6O = CHECK, COLLATION, DATABASE, DOMAIN, EXCEPTION, FILTER, FUNCTION,i75EXIT -- exit and commit changesUTp88QUIT -- exit and roll back changes96All commands may be abbreviated to letters in CAPitals:4 SET SCHema/DB -- changes current database;Yesi<KCurrent memory = !c Delta memory = !d Max memory = !x Elapsed time= !e sec m==Cpu = !u sec Buffers = !b Reads = !r Writes = !w Fetches = !fion>7BLOB display set to subtype @1. This BLOB: subtype = @2D?*BLOB: @1, type 'edit' or filename to load> -@Enter @1 as Y/M/D> B Bad date @1 CCON> gleDC SET LIST -- toggle column or table display formateE @1 not foundFAErrors occurred (possibly duplicate domains) in creating @1 in @2stiG2Server version too old to support the isql command tHRecords affected: @1IUnlicensed for database "@1"JK SET WIDTH [] -- set/unset print width to for column NKA SET PLAN -- toggle display of query access plan chLJ SET TIME -- toggle display of timestamp with DATE valuesMEEDIT -- edit current command buffer and executeN5OUTput -- return output to stdout tiO? SET NAMES -- set name of runtime character settPN GENERATOR, GRANT, INDEX, PACKAGE, PROCEDURE, ROLE, SQL DIALECT,OBQ3 SET BLOB -- turn off BLOB display R>SET